Dance Against Bullying at School in Cannes, Tarascon & Marseille with the Cie Essevesse

We have started the new prevention format for the fight against school bullying in collaboration with the South Region, also supported by the EDF Group Foundation.
A 6-hour day in high schools in the 6 departments of the South Region consisting of:
  • a dance workshop that addresses the 4 roles identified during a bullying scene: bully; bullied; active observer; passive observer;
  • a transmission workshop by the duo of artists from the Essevesse Company “if the mirror could speak, do you think it would accept me?”;
  • a workshop for reflection and creation of SLOGANS by young people for their classmates;
  • a photography workshop with the artist Maria Grazia SPERA from the Parisian association Apertura (for a photo and audio exhibition);
  • a moment of restitution by the students;
  • the duo’s performance: “if the mirror could talk, do you think it would accept me?” danced by Fabio DOLCE & Greta.SANDON (choreography by Antonino CERESIA and music by Noé PHILIBERT);
  • a moment of exchange/debate between students and artists with a final creative evaluation.
At the end of this action that we will have carried out with 12 high schools in the SUD Region, the artist Jeanne DANTOINE will create a short film/documentary (in collaboration with Fabio & Antonino) on the transmission of the duo and the appropriation of the choreographic language of young people.
To date we have intervened in three high schools:
  1. On October 14 and November 26, 2024 at the Alfred Hutinel high school in Cannes. It was a format adapted to the needs of the establishment: October 14 – 6 workshops with 6 different classes (115 students); November 26 – performance at the Théâtre de la Licorne in Cannes;
  2. November 28, 2024 at the Alphonse Daudet high school in Tarascon with 100 students (with the planned format – watch the IG reel);
  3. November 29, 2024 at the Jean Perrin high school in Marseille with 60 students (with the planned format – watch the IG reel).
A very touching experience, sometimes overwhelming … to be continued…

© Maria Grazia Spera