Dance Against Bullying at School in l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue & Orange with the Cie Essevesse

On December 9 and 10, 2024, we continued our project to fight school bullying, partnering with the South Region and supported by the EDF Group Foundation.

This time, we worked with students at Alphonse Benoit High School in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (watch the Reel) and Pierre le Roy High School in Boiseaumarié, Orange (watch the Reel). It was another very emotional experience! More to come…

Just to remind you, this is a 6-hour workshop day where artists work with high school students from 12 schools across the 6 departments of the South Region.

The day includes:

  • A dance workshop focused on the 4 roles in a bullying situation: bully, victim, active bystander, and passive bystander.
  • A workshop led by the Essevesse Company duo, titled “If the Mirror Could Speak, Do You Think It Would Accept Me?”
  • A workshop where students create and reflect on slogans for their classmates.
  • A photography workshop with artist Maria Grazia Spera from the Parisian association Apertura, focusing on a photo and audio exhibition.
  • A moment where students present their work.
  • A performance by the duo, “If the Mirror Could Speak, Do You Think It Would Accept Me?”, danced by Fabio Dolce and Greta Sandon, with choreography by Antonino Ceresia and music by Noé Philibert.
  • A discussion/debate session between students and artists, followed by a final creative evaluation.

After this initiative, which will involve 12 high schools in the South Region, artist Jeanne Dantoine will create a short film or documentary (in collaboration with Fabio and Antonino) about the duo’s message and how the students have embraced the choreographic language.